Weekly Photo Challenge: Pattern

One day in Dubai gave me enough shots for Pattern Photo Challenge. That day we came to Dubai with car, parked it by the creek and just bellow the parking house there was a beautiful souk (market) with spices, teas, esences, fragrances and other smelly and tasty thinks.


Spice market

From spicy souk we continued to the gold one, where you can find all the gold jeweleries in shapes and patterns you can think of.


Gold market

Finally we took abra (boat over the creek) to the other side of the water to see fabric souk, with beautiful, colorful, glittering fabrics with embroideries. I just loved it :-).


Fabric market 1


Fabric market 2

Travel theme: Pale

Pale colors can be really beautiful and for Pale Challange I take you to the United Arabic Emirates, to the beach and to the desert.

February 2010, not so warm and not so sunny, empty beach and sand and sea.


February morning at the beach


Morning at the beach

Later before noon, Jumeirah Sailing Club and the views to Burj Al Arab and Atlantis hotels.


Burj Al Arab, Beach Jumeirah


Hotel Atlantis

Trip to Abu Dhabi, Grand Mosque from Carrara’s marble is beeing built yet.


Abu Dhabi Sheikh Zayed Mosque

Early evening, back on the beach.



Evening at the desert.


Sunset in the desert

365 cups of coffee

every day how I see through my mug


Researching my Estonian roots


Ein Blog.

A Farm in Iceland

Writing With Gunnar Gunnarsson

Awa on the Road

My journeys, discoveries and fascinations